Recode into same variables

Recode gebruik je als het noodzakelijk is om een nieuwe klassenindeling te. Bij "Into Same variable" worden de waarden van de variabele met de nieuwe. Recode into Same Variables: Old and New Values.

Recode into same variables

You can define values to recode in this dialog box.

All value specifications must be the same data type. If you select multiple variables, they must all be the same type. Recoding can be done in one of two ways: Recoding into the same variable; Recoding.

Recode into same variables

Either you can recode into the same. Recode changes to codes of one or more variables (varlist1) according to a. Quickly master SPSS RECODE with some simple examples and get. After cloning, we can safely recode into the same variables, leaving the. SPSS offers two choices under the recode command: Into Same Variable and Into Different Variables.

The command Into Same Variable replaces existing data. Move across any additional variables that will be re-coded in the same manner and name these too. If the values are numeric, why not just do 6 – x. Choose Transform, Recode, Into Different Variables. If there are any values you want kept the same (this would not apply in our example). RECODE INTO SAME VARIABLES, you will rewrite your previous variable and it will be gone. The RECODE command is used to transform existing values into other, user. Spring naar Recode (same var.) – Recoding into the same variable is not really much different from recoding into different variables.

You may need to recode some variables, which means to put them into groups.