Spss merge variables into one

When merging categorical variables, the new variable will automatically have the. If the same category appears in more than one of the variables, it will appear only once in. Survey Reporter will therefore insert an autobase into the new variable. Variables can be combined in SPSS by adding or. One of the many questions we got the last few days was from Dana. SPSS may recode missing values into one of the. Hi, I am having trouble consolodating four variables in to one. Recoding multiple variables into one new variable.

I would like to combine it all into one column. You would physically sum the levels of the five variables into one row. Hello All, I am completely new to spss, and am trying to use spss to generate. With one of my question people were able to choose two answers. Combine categorical variables in SPSS and automatically apply. Note that every table row contains only zeroes except for one cell. And if you need to go back and change your coding scheme, say to combine two. It is important that you know how to add and edit variables into your dataset.

Spss merge variables into one

These are two different variables but we could combine them. You can merge two files together to add cases or to add variables into your. Oftentimes, we merge data to add variables from different sources, such as tables or files, into one table or file. Using SPSS to merge files (i.e., to add variables).

Open the dataset you want to merge data into: in the example below it is the Sweep 1. In merging the two files, we are concatenating the two sets of variables. NCDS5 child- based files into one composite file, ncds5mc.